How to Strengthen your Intuition

Today we are talking about intuition, how to hear and listen to your intuition, what intuition really is and isn’t, if maybe that topic is still a bit vague to you, and mostly how to strengthen it, so you can really let this internal compass direct you in your life, towards alignment and what is meant for you.

So first of all let me define what intuition really is to me. Put simply, intuition is the your inner ability to understand and interpret information without the need for conscious reasoning or direct evidence, logical proof or something that makes sense.

It’s like an internal GPS, guiding us subtelly through life. It is always here, informing you what you should do or not do, what decision would be the most appropriate, not always stipulating why though ahah

But to me, what intuition really is is the language of your Soul, of your higher intelligence and the channel through which your inner guidance is speaking to you. Again, you can think of your intuition as an internal GPS system that’s always guiding you toward a life that’s in alignment with you, with your greatest happiness, fulfillment, and abundance.

So intuition draws its knowing on information that is stored in your subconscious and your body and its infinite innate intelligence and it assists you in making decisions that align with your highest good, always. It’s there for you 24/7 even if let’s be honest, if works way less when you are tired (for me at least)

So really what intuition is not is a mystical or vague concept, because intuition is deeply rooted in our human biology and psychology.

It is not always loud or clear, and you might be like, well I don’t hear it often or at all, if you feel disconnected from your intuition, I can assure you that it’s not missing, it’s here, somewhere, just waiting on you to give it the space to express itself. Just like everyone else, you were born with access to your intuition and have your own natural intuitive gifts.

And with practice, you can cultivate your sensitivity to its whispers and use it to navigate life more effortlessly and authentically, and that is such a blessing.

In a society that emphasizes reason and logic and proof or evidence, and mind-based decisions, trusting our intuition can be challenging, I know. We are so often encouraged to make decisions with our brain, based on analysis and reason, and questioning your options, and ‘are you sure this is the right choice’ and doubting yourself and taking forever to make a decision.. Which is funny because really intuition gives you a quick and clear answer but no, let’s have the brain analyze this for hours and then make the (often wrong) decision..

So I know this societal bias can cause to disconnect from our intuition, to see it as too abstract, vague or not trust worthy, so much that it gets overlooked.‍ And this is such a shame.

That being said, listening to your intuition isn’t about abandoning all reason and logic, of course not. But it’s rather about balance, and trusting your inner wisdom more than you trust your reasoning. If you know anything about manifestation, you probably know that your conscious mind, the rational, logical and thinking part of your brain represents only 5% of your entire mind, as 95% of it is subconscious, meaning below our consciousness.

So your intuition taps into your inner knowing, your subconscious knowing which has a whole other level of knowledge and possibilities and can give us a holistic perspective.

And I know that in a world that highly values logic and reasoning, trusting your intuition can feel like going against the tide and it requires courage and confidence to trust your inner voice more than your brain when both goes against eachother or when your intuition goes against common societal knowledge.

So intuition is often referred to as the ‘sixth sense’, ‘instincts’ or ‘gut feeling’ because its giving us the ability to know things, without any tangible evidence or logic.

This is why intuitive messages may not always make sense logically. Your intuition is not looking to be logical, it works like an inner compass, and what it does is indicating you when something feels ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ even if you can’t rationalize why.‍

Unlike thoughts, which happen in the mind, intuition lives in your subconscious and speaks to you mainly through two ways: your emotions and your physical sensations, the one you feel in your body. And when it shows up through a feeling, a sudden sense of clarity, or an inexplicable sense of knowing, the magic of it is that it is all bypassing the logical constructs of the mind.

Let me give you 6 ways to strengthen your intuition

Listen to Your Body

The first one that makes the most sense is to Listen to your body. Your body is your first and the best barometer for your intuition. It will show you really clearly when something is right for you and when something isn’t, in all areas of your life.

Listening to your body for me means start paying attention to the physical sensations that you feel when you are faced with a choice, a decision or any situation.

What you can easily trust is if the feeling you get is a sense of comfort, expansion, pleasure, lightness or excitment arises when you are faced with this situation or on the opposite, if a sense of discomfort, unease, heaviness, burden or boredom arises and that is really giving you your answer on if this path that is right for you or you should avoid it.

Trust that by simply asking yourself and listening to your sensations you will get your answer. Your body is always giving you straight yeses or nos, instantly without needing to ask the mind first, defying logic and what you think you ‘should’ do/decide or else.

I always, always, always trust my intuition. I cannot think of how much time I wasted in my life spending days trying to make a decision because I was using my mind rather than my body, going in all possible wrong directions because I decided to not listen to my intuition even if I heard it, because I followed logic (guilty…) and how I promise myself each time I see things unfold in the best possible ways before my eyes that I will always listen to my intuition. I simply has changed my life, brought so much more ease and confidence, it really is a wonder and blows my mind away every single time.

Make Space for your Intuition

Make space for your intuition: walk without music or phone call or podcast, grounding practices like taking a walk on the park or a the beach, cooking (which I found very meditative) and activities like yoga or stretching but also take some time to rest and simply do nothing.

Making time for solitude is also a good advice here. Spending time alone in a peaceful environment can really help you tune into your intuition. The calm and quiet allows you to hear your inner voice, your internal guidance more clearly.‍

This is for me when my intuition speaks the loudest, and why is that it’s because when you are resting or quiet and peacefull you’ve actually got SPACE to hear it, it is not drowned in all the noise that is going on in your head

Practice Mindfulness

My next advice which is linked to this one is to practice mindfulness. By mindfulness practices I mean meditation, even walking meditation is awesome, way more fun than sitting meditation if you ask me, and breath work. All these activities can help quiet your mind to connect with your inner self, your inner knowing. This connection is the ideal environment for your intuition to speak as you will be more present and aware, and this will make it easier to recognize intuitive messages.‍

Encourage Creative Activities

This would be my next advice and it is a fun one. I would suggest you try and do it, even if you are not someone who’s creative, SPECIALLY if you are not creative. Try it for fun, no pressure, no need for any achievement of any kind, simply pleasurable activities like drawing, painting, writing, dancing, even to Taylor Swift, or even cooking, making jewelry, pottery or ceramics. You choose which ever you like but trust me when I say that all of these activities can stimulate your intuition, because again when you draw or create with your hands you are way more relaxed, calm and open to hearing your inner voice.

Keep a Journal

I you know me you know I love journaling. I’ve been journaling for years now, it is such an important wellbeing practice for me, my mind needs it for real. I don’t journal in the diary kind of way like today is june 26th and blablabla, I journal sometimes on my phone, sometimes in a notebook, I have my phases ahah but I journal whenever I feel good and want to really feel in the joy and confidence, whenever I feel bad and I need to understand why, whenever I feel I have stuck emotions inside of me and I need to get them out, out of my chest, I do best case scenarios which I love and I will talk to you about soon, I journal on my fears, my hopes, my sadness and of course my gratitudes.

And to me journaling really helps me to connect with myself, it’s just a me and myself moment and a lot of my intuitions and decisions making happen at that times.

So I think it can be an effective tool for enhancing both your connection with yourself, for trusting yourself more or simply getting to know yourself more intimately if you are new to this practice but also to strengthen your intuition.

It’s really a time and a space for self-exploration, to help you understand your thoughts, your patterns and thought processes, but also and very much your emotions, and all your intuitive guidances. Over time, you’ll see that you start noticing ways that your intuition is joining the party and that will reinforce it and increase your confidence in your intuition.

Trust and Act on Your Intuition

And then my last advice would be to Trust and Act on your intuition. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the stronger it becomes.

To be true, you don’t have to trust it overnight – test it out on the small things first, and you will build up evidence that it works and you will see how it supports you in wonderful ways in your real life. Then, and only then, will you be able to trust it unconditionally.

So give it time, start with small, non-critical decisions, like practice it with small daily decisions to help cultivating a trusting relationship with your intuition —like what to eat, which way to go when you are walking on the streets or and what social invitations to accept or decline— and as you see your intuition guiding you and being validated once you’ve taken action on it, you will start to trust it more and more and your confidence will grow, your confidence in yourself and in your abilities to live your life with a trust that you know what to do, where to go and how to take good decisions for yourself. This is truly priceless

Lots of Love and Light,

xx Marine

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