How to Find your Purpose

Today I want to share with you my reflections on Purpose, our life mission, the meaning of life and what we should do with our lives. It’s a BIG subject I know, but such an important one to me, one that changed my whole life and gave so much meaning to it when I finally found it (after years of searching for it and going in ALL the wrong directions possible) which is why I want to share all I know with you here so your journey can be a little bit smoother and more fun, I hope.

I’ll start with the most important lesson that came to me after digging deep and that EVERYONE on this planet should hear:

You don’t have to have it all figured out to live a happy life

You really don’t have to have it all figured out to live a happy life, to start working on a project, whether personal or a business, to quit your job or meet your soulmate, you don’t have to know all the steps from the beginning to the end and have it all thought through to start.

You can JUST START RIGHT AWAY, having the first step in mind is enough for that, and with a bit of surrender and trust you can start and let the following steps, ideas and your path unfold from there.

I know some of you might feel lost and alone in this quest somedays, or like you are the only one who hasn’t it all together when everyone else seems to be living their life with fluidity, no doubts or questioning themselves and you are here, asking yourself the same question again and again, what am I supposed to do with my life, or career, or business or love life? And it can feel lonely I know. But trust me when I say. You don’t have to have it all figured out to live a happy life

So why not take the pressure out of you right now, right this moment and let the answers flow to you as we go through this topic together, and later on in your day, your week etc.

Just keep in mind for now that it is VERY okay to not have all the answers right now.

And truth is, you will never have it all figured out, because no one ever has or will have. It’s impossible, life is unpredictable and that’s what makes it beautiful, everything is ever changing whether you want it or not, whether you accept it or not. We as human begins are meant to be changing, growing, evolving and so are your plans. Your big plans as well as your little steps, for your life, for your career, for the future and all

But that is a HUGE misconception that I see getting in the way of so many people, including myself and more than once, so many people meant to do great things feel stuck and alone thinking that they MUST have it all figured out before they can start living, and it truly makes me sad to see so much so much suffering around feeling like you are the only one who isn’t capable of getting her shit together, or having figure out life and how to live it, what to do in life, what choices to make in your career, knowing where to go or what to do next… And I feel you.

I’ve been stuck here so long, so many hours, trying to figure out the issue from my mind.

And it is absolutely normal to feel this way. We’ve been conditioned from our early childhood to know where we are going. Have you seen how many times we ask children what do they want to do with when they grow up at the age of 6 years old? Like what, let them grow they have plenty of time to figure that out.

Anyway, we’ve been told to have good grades at school to then be able to get the best colleges and then degrees and then job and to always have and stick to the plan. But what it the plan changes? What if sudently you are not even sure what the plan was about at first or whats the point in all that?

And I personally asked myself this question very early in life, before even starting a “real job” during my final year of university when everyone was busy sticking to their plan and having good jobs and salaries and proud parents and it felt lonely at that time to realize that I didn’t want any of that. Except the making my parents proud part of course. And at that time I got okay with not having all the answers figured out yet and I that I still had time to figure all this all out and decided to not follow the initial plan of graduating, finding a good corporate job and having a steady financial situation and launch my own business and go with the flow instead, even if I had no idea what I was doing at first, no idea. But that’s okay and whether you did like me of followed your initial plan, we all end up asking each other that question someday or another. Sooner than later I hope. And the answer is not always easy to come to us, whether you are 23 and graduating or in your fifties. And so it is really normal to feel lost and alone, but you are NOT ALONE trust me, and it’s a good thing that you are asking yourself this question right now because what ALWAYS comes out of this question is growth, its redirection, its more meaning, more alignment, more flow and way more happiness. Even if at first it is REALLY INCONFORTABLE, I know.

So here are my KEYS to get closer to finding your purpose and living it:

The most important one is to listen to your INTUITION guiding you.

Your intuition is this little inner voice inside of you guiding you and sending you nudges that sometimes doesn’t make much sense to your conscious thinking and rational brain but still it is already there, giving you the answer every time you ask for guidance, and even when you don’t ask.

But the thing with your intuition is that, more often than not, it doesn’t give you the whole path all set up. It simply gives you the first step to take, the first idea, the first inspired action like go live abroad for a while, start this business or go to this diner even if you have no idea yet why you should do that since it doesn’t seem like a real plan just more like an idea out of the blue. But I dare you to follow it, and to be curious enough to see what your intuition has in store for you right after that.

I have a metaphor I use for myself every time I need a reminder and I want to share it with you.

I call it the light panels. So imagine your intuition to give you nudges like light panels that enlighten one after another once you start walking on the way. So at the beginning the way to go to your dream life/career or whatever is all dark, the light panels are all switched off. But you decide to listen to your intuition and this lights a panel in front of you. And you follow your intuition, take action and go walk on it, and as you step on the first light panel, another one is lighting in front of you, so you step on it, trusting your intuition wants you to go there, and before you even have to ask yourself where to go next, another one lights up in front of you. And that is EXACTLY how the way is going to unfold before your eyes, one step at a time, and you will always be guided if you lean onto the power of your intuition, if you trust it and follow what truly lights you up and bring you joy.

And then soon enough you will turn back and see all the way you went through and how far you’ve come and it will all make sense

It is safe for you to not know everything for sure, YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE RIGHT NOW

So my key for you is to explore what your intuition is suggesting you to do, the first step of all the action steps that you don’t know yet, what your intuition is guiding you towards, even the things you are too scared to take on and do. Just sit with them one moment and decide if you dare to listen to your intuition.

Also, make a list of all the things you love, specially what you love to do, places you love to be, people around who you love to be, that inspires you and all that. That can give you clues on what your purpose might be.

Last advice I will give you today is I really encourage you to get to know and learn your Human Design. To me it really is the key to finding one’s purpose. There is a whole chapter of human design focused on the life mission/purpose question, it’s called your Incarnation cross and When context with your Energy Type, the Incarnation Cross is said to define your purpose on earth. The other thing that is interesting to look at is your Profile, as it makes up about 70% of who you are and how to fulfill your Life’s Work. You can gain so much insight by understanding this one aspect of your chart and not get overwhelmed by all the questions in your mind, because your soul has the answer. And your human design is really just a big reading of your soul, before it was conditioned by your childhood, life experiences and society. Human Design tells you how your unique energy is your greatest tool, how your aura works, how you are designed to make decisions/follow your intuition, what’s your unique set of gifts, what your life purpose is, and so much more. It’s really a deep dive into who you are at core and it has all the answers you are looking for. If you’re interested in knowing all that, I would be so happy to decode your unique Human Design for you and you can find all the infos right here.

With love xx

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